No matter who you are, your life was never meant to be about how much pain you can live with. Or how much you can struggle and survive.

And Indigenous Knowledge can help you get there.

Life is about living in balance and thriving.

get to know me

A Mapuche writer, teacher, and creator of SLG, an online healing school and community. Thanks to kuyfi kimün–– Indigenous knowledge passed down from generation to generation— myself, and members in over 40 countries, now enjoy our lives, relationships, and the future we're creating, instead of just trying to survive.

I'm Mandy Martini Chihuailaf (Mist Spreading Over a Lake).

mari mari (hello!)


Recognized and featured by the global non-profit CRISIS TEXT LINE as an "Indigenous Mental Health Leader to follow and learn from."


Learn the #1 reason why healing from stress and trauma is so hard–– but why it doesn't have to be.


But you were also born into a culture that has taught you to control, suppress, and even ignore them.

Anxiety? Low energy? Feeling stuck and overwhelmed? It's all a result of living stuck in survival.

When you go through stress or trauma, a survival response starts and, like everything else in nature, it needs to follow a cycle— from start to finish.

The biggest mistake people do is expecting healing before their body has had a chance to finish this survival cycle.

That's something I can help you do inside SLG, step-by-step, in your own pace.

"My body is always in pain"
"I wake up and go to bed feeling anxious"
"I feel irritable and can't focus"

Does this sound familiar?

You were born with powerful instincts and responses.

SLG: the online healing program that has changed lives in over 40 countries, and counting...

"It's been a year now since I signed up and it has transformed everything! I feel so light and happy in my body, but also a feeling of trust that my body can get through anything. I just wanted to say thank you! This has really changed my future and life in so many ways and I feel that everything is possible."

- Asta, Norway



- Lakwiita, SLG Member

"I owe you my very life. I was at a point last summer where I could no longer keep moving forward without something to help heal me. I was at the absolute end of my rope. If I can heal from this then so can others."

- Asta, SLG Member

"It's been a year now since I signed up and it has transformed everything! I feel so light and happy in my body, but also a feeling of trust that my body can get through anything. I just wanted to say thank you! This has really changed my future and life in so many ways and I feel that everything is possible. "

- Brittany, SLG Member

"I hope people see the value in what you're offering... I've been working through module 1 and I would pay again and again to feel the amount of relief I felt from your program. And this is just the beginning."

- Chloe, SLG Member

"I notice now that sometimes when I'll think about something in the past, I don't feel triggered about it. I can think about it and don't have any reaction to it like I used to. My life now will be so different."



Feeling Like You're Still Unsafe

My eyes are drifting when they catch something to the right that makes my whole body change in seconds. There, in the line of cars getting ready to merge...


Isabel's Children

Isabel’s Children is a money fund that goes directly to support survivors of violence and food insecurity in Indigenous communities.

In the memory and honor of Mandy’s chuchu (grandmother) Isabel- an Indigenous woman who despite a life filled with abuse, trauma, starvation and injustice, still did everything she could to help anyone who needed her. With her knowledge of healing, plant medicines, and her cooking, or simply opening her doors for someone who needed a place to stay, whatever little she had, she gave.

Isabel's Children is funded by every enrollment into SLG School.

Almost there...